Relationships are tricky things at the best of times. Long term relationships and marriages, however, are even harder still. Once the initial romance and excitement has gone out of a relationship, every couple goes through that awful moment of doubt, wondering whether they are with the right person, whether they would be happier with someone else, or whether they are just reading too much into things. It’s a natural cycle and it’s something that affects everyone. When going through this period of doubting a relationship, however, there are three sure fire ways to tell if your relationship is really in trouble.
- You’re measuring too much. In a well functioning relationship, the focus should be on creating a happy and loving environment, which benefits both parties. A sure fire way to tell whether your relationship is in trouble is when you start to measure each other’s contributions too much. As soon as you start nit picking over who contributes the most, who cooks the most, and who cleans the most, or whatever it is, you’re heading down a troubled road. If there are issues, discuss them. Keeping score, however, is a slippery slope to a failed relationship.
- You’ve started hiding things. We are not referring here to a secret affair or such like. Instead we are referring to that point in a relationship where you no longer feel that you can share everything with your partner. You mayhide littel things like that you’ve been on again, or you may begin to meet friends in secret to discuss certain issues that you previously discussed with your partner. When asked about your day, hiding these meetings, even if subconsciously, is an extremely negative sign.
- You feel more relaxed and “yourself” when your partner is not around. This sense of relaxation when not around your partner can be an indicator that you are feeling oppressed by your other half; another sure sign that your relationship may be in turmoil.